The Five Behaviors® All Types Training Modules

Available to participants who have completed The Five Behaviors® of a Cohesive Team Facilitator Accreditation, this training module will give you foundational knowledge about All Types™ and how it fits into The Five Behaviors® model. While the facilitator accreditation course focused on the use of Everything DiSC®, this supplement will prepare you to facilitate The Five Behaviors with teams who wish to use a Types-based assessment.

Self-directed, interactive activities help you understand the 16 personality types and the dimensions that compose them. You will practice analyzing a team’s All Types make-up and contemplate some tough “What if…?” questions that could come up during a session.

Does not include a certificate

Program Components
  • 4-5 hours of self-paced, online learning
  • Module survey to provide feedback about your learning experience
  • Final quiz to check your knowledge of the key constructs
  • No certificate issued as this is supplemental to your accreditation
Course Access

This module is only available upon completion of The Five Behaviors Facilitator Accreditation. At completion, you will receive an invitation from the online Training Center to enter the All Types Training Module.

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