International Team Training

Never before has the workplace more needed to enhance our humanity
The Five Behaviors - Isle Of Innovation

The Five Behaviors

We have partnered as an Authorised Partner for Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors™ because US based Wiley have spent years fine tuning the best in leadership training used by Fortune 500 companies.


International Team Training

Globalisation means that we need to be responsive in a complex and dynamic marketplace.

With multinational organisations and also the ability to easily and cheaply communicate across borders, more than ever sophisticated communication skills are crucial. In a world of virtual coffees there is a whole world to discover and therefore finding a common language and knowing how to foster social interaction across time zones, belief systems, and languages is the most highly prized skill of post 2020.

Whilst the internet gives us an amazing common ground there also arise subtle differences around performance management styles.

We have partnered with Everything DiSC based in the US as an Authorised Partner because their trainings based on self-assessments are leaders in the corporate sector.

Everything DiSC - Isle Of Innovation UK

Not all cultures have the same assumptions and that can knock the confidence of a leader or manager who is not accustomed to certain communication norms.

Overcoming your intercultural management and communication challenges with a particular business relationship such as with an Asian company, through training that includes role-play, can be a perfect way to make sure misunderstandings do not get in the way of efficiency and excellence.


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 Talal's Message

TALAL ALLAF, The founder & Director of Isle of Innovation:

From my very first job in the sales section of an Apple Computer Centre in Syria, I fell in love with training after being sent on a sales course. Immediately I saw how this was going to open horizons for me. I became fascinated with culture change, developing leaders, and working with aspiring managers.

The power of training gave me the ability to shape my career and I had the opportunity to work in many different countries, finally moving to London and setting up Isle of Innovation so that I could share the what I’d discovered.

I’m a life long learner - it’s what keeps me enthusiastic and optimistic. It has led to building a large network of friends and associates who also have education in their hearts and have also seen the positive change in can bring.

Training is a collaboration - I look forward to that conversation.

Talal Allaf, Founder, Isle of Innovation

I Am Here To Help


What Our Clients Say About Us

We at Eagle Training have used DiSC profiling as a cornerstone of our Management and leadership training for in excess of 25 years. We have specifically chosen Wiley Everything Disc as our profile supplier of choice, as the quality of the profile is, in our opinion, the best available on the market. Our clients and delegates find the accuracy of the profiles and wealth of insight generated by them to be both surprising and useful. They never fail to create a buzz and wave of excitement when explored and discussed during our training sessions.


Managing Director Eagle Training Ltd - UK

We have attended the online training given by Isle of Innovation. It was the Everything DiSC Workplace for 16 of our senior employees. We were impressed with the way they plan facilitation, doing Needs assessment, and giving accurate facilitation plan. We definitely plan to take Management training with Adrian and Talal


Senior Director, Araamis Saudi Arabia

We had a great facilitator who gave us everything to understand the DiSC model. Now we know how to apply it internally. Our employees started discussing the value of knowing their behaviour styles. It is really important for the workplace to get better performance and have some fun! Thanks isle of innovation.


Chaboun Consultancy Services Ltd. London - UK

Isle of Innovation contacted us to offer The Five Behaviors programme we did not expect to have such a great program, the reports we got about our team were amazing. Then the workshop came with a lot of benefits. I was happy to see the whole team sitting in one room for 2 days discussing team issues and how to avoid the problems stopping their performance. We decided to do this again next year to measure progress with the same team.


Riyadh – Saudi Arabia

We enjoyed the Everything DiSC Workplace online course with Adrian from Isle of Innovation. He has a great coaching style making it easy to understand the theory and reports. Really useful activities and exercises. We found it easier to have the sub account of EPIC, we are planning to get our own trainer certified soon. Thanks Adrian, Thanks Isle of Innovation.


Human Resources Manager Hashem Contracting & Trading Corp. | Riyadh – Saudi Arabia

Hey guys … I love the way you’ve handled my 15 unorganised staff And get them to think like one. You’ve done a fantastic job making them all think like one and work together I don’t know how you’ve done it ..but a fantastic job I hope you’ve enjoyed the isle of wight And look forward to working with you next year for more training.


Island Catering Equipment Co. Isle of Wight - UK

I was looking for a Partner to access Wiley products and after careful consideration, we have decided to partner with ‘Isle of Innovation’ for their customer-centric and collaborative attitude. We are now a year into our Partnership and we are proud to call Isle of innovation our trusted Partner. We have no hesitation in recommending Isle of Innovation to any customers – what you will get from them is an exceptional service and brilliant partnership


CEO of Exsellance

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that will change your business

+44 (0)2045 391 148

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 Strategic Partners & Locations



London – NW10 7EF
Office:  +44 (0)2045 391 148
Mobile: +44 (0)7506 046 443


PNGIT - The Petroleum and Natural Gas Higher Institute of Technology and Training
Door 1-4, 2nd floor, Al Waha Downtown Prince Muhammed Ibn Saud District,
32431-2614 Dammam, KSA

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Icon Training Co.
Balhamer Business gate 2nd Floor, Al Ashriah Street Ash Shati Ash Shariq District
P.O.Box 150, Dammam 31411
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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